Author Archives: Eric

Making it to Gold III

In League of Legends, after you’ve progressed your account to the maximum level 30, you have the opportunity to play in the Ranked matchmaking system. In this system, you gain and lose various points depending on the skill level of your opponents and the outcome of your game against them. The players in ranked matchmaking are divided out into six separate tiers of players: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Challenger. Each tier contains five divisions to help separate out the ~1 million players that are in the ranked system. So I am one game away from making it into the third division of the Gold tier, and it’s an exciting feeling. But until recently, I never realized what that means. Then I found this set of compiled statistics that shows me how I compare to other players (I was pleasantly surprised!):

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Android App of the Arbitrary Time Period: Ski Tracks

I know, I know. We’re coming up on the end of the ski and snowboard season for this year, at least in Utah. But if you haven’t taken advantage of this app yet, you definitely need to check it out.

Ski Tracks

Ski Tracks Main App Screenshot

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The Impact of Parents on a Son

As my mother and father are nearing their 50th wedding anniversary, I decided to write about my parents’ impact on my life. There is no relationship outside of marriage as special as the one between a parent and child. The upbringing a child receives not only shapes the rest of their life, but the lives of every one that child touches as well. It’s a ripple effect and huge responsibility for parents.

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Daily LoL #3: My New Love, Rumble

Today I had time to play just one game down in the Bunker at Adobe (yes, my workplace is that cool). Recently in the AHGL competitive games, I’ve been running Rumble in mid lane as opposed to top like I normally do. He seems like an odd champ for me to pick considering my mechanics for last hitting really suffered when I would only play the support role. Rumble’s kit simply doesn’t jive well with those who have trouble getting minion kills. However, my style as a utility player works extremely well with Rumble’s ultimate ability, that blessed Equalizer. In this match, I went up against a Lux who had the poke and harass to keep me down during the laning phase, but some clutch uses of my ultimate turned around a team fight on my mid-lane tower, scored a blind dragon kill when we had no chance to contest it, and secured a baron kill to drive the rest of the game. Fun times!

My new love: Rumble

AHGL Team Adobe’s Co-op vs. AI Speed Run

At the end of Season 3 in the After Hours Gaming League, the second division in the League of Legends B-League was faced with quite the conundrum: a five-way tie in win/loss ratios (4-6 for the curious). Unfortunately, with the playoffs scheduled to take place the very next week, the event organizers and teams did not have the time to play tiebreaker matches since all these folks have full-time day jobs to worry about. So what is a quick way to sort out the few teams that will be able to go on to the playoffs from those that won’t? Co-op vs AI speed runs, of course!

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