Today marks the release of an Android app that I’ve been waiting for since my college days. If you have ever explored the full breadth of programs that come bundled in most Office suites, you may have discovered the awesomeness that is OneNote. A virtual, searchable whiteboard notebook of sorts, OneNote is the best way I found to electronically catalog and organize my entire life. And now it’s available on Android! Honorable mentions to Catch notes Google Keep and Google Voice Commands.
OneNote — Just released today for all major mobile platforms, OneNote is a strong competitor to note-taking solutions like EverNote. While the mobile application does not offer the full features of the desktop software like searching through voice recordings, the data synchronization is just plain awesome! Obviously, this app is only really worth it if you have the desktop program, too. – Free (up to 500 notes) | ~$6.00 USD (unlimited notes)
Catch Notes (discontinued; use Google Keep instead) — Catch is what I use for my day-to-day quick-jot-this-down note-taking needs. It’s an excellent app that features full searching, a decent amount of cloud storage for syncing, and support for threads and attachments of the audio/video/photography sort. It’s quick, the UI is slick and fast, and the configuration choices are exemplary. – Free
Google Voice Search — Voice Search as a note-taking app? Yup, you better believe it. The built-in voice search on most every Android device has a command called “note to self” that allows you to e-mail yourself a quick reminder note just by using your voice. It can literally be a lifesaver when you are in the car. – Free